Tuesday 24 September 2013

Hopes, Fears & Opportunities

We recently had a get together in the studio and discussed our Hopes, Fear and Opportunities.  I found it really valuable to think about this and to begin thinking how I can overcome areas that appear difficult, and thinking of what I need to get done this semester to achieve these goals.

I thought about what I fear after graduating, the main thing would be going 'rusty' and not making much work due to having to work full time - I will have to think about balancing work and being creative. Another few things I fear is not being able to do what I love as a living, not selling work and not getting a good agent.  Although money does not motivate me, being able to eat and have a roof over my head is also important!, I hope I can find the right balance between the two to be able to earn and be creative!.

My hopes are to be working, making lots of work, be daring and through myself out there and have the confidence to approach industry contacts and talk about my work, and also have a strong style/theme in my work.  I also would love to progress onto working on a bigger scale such as dressing a set/scene, prop making and bringing my work to life so people can really be submerged in my work, for example being able to touch, sense and engage in the things I make.  I would also love to have a little space of my own, sharing a studio would be of interest too.

I know I have to keep making, and seek out opportunities by networking, making industry contact and just be true to myself as I think it's so important to not loose yourself by trying to please.  For example talking to a previous student at the Guru Night opened up an opportunity where I may be able to volunteer and gain some experience.  I really want to be more pro active this year and get my confidence up in my work and the themes/subject matter I incorporate in my work.  I think having a portfolio, business card and website will also make me feel confident as I can direct people to a place where my work is displayed professionally.

I will be focusing on four main aims this semester:

1 - I am aim to complete a work experience placement in a prop departmet

2 - I want to have completed  portfolio visits

3 - I would like to gain a better idea of a theme/subject matter for my FMP through writing my journal & presentation

4 - I hope to volunteer at a creative event and aim to network whilst I am there

I will be thinking more about listing objectives of how I will achieve the above and put together a plan of action.

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